Oil Paintings by Mary Rose Drescher
Show Dates: July 24 - August 12, 2024
Artist pARTy: Saturday, July 27, 6 - 8 pm
What makes the landscape interesting to me is the combination and variety of elements that present themselves quite spontaneously. Within the landscape one stumbles upon textures shapes colours that are all bound together by the light. the quality of that light determines the mood of the scene, and the angle of the viewer affects what is perceived in that moment. I am often struck by the beauty of these moments, and knowing the impermanence and ever shifting light propels me to want to capture it.
As humans we often have a sense of disconnection from the natural landscape and a yearning to connect. Painting is a wonderful way to connect myself to the landscape. Through painting, I can investigate what it is that creates these awe-inspiring moments in the landscape; moments that I find every day throughout my adventures on Bowen Island. Through painting I can draw the landscape into myself, put it back onto the canvas, at which point another interesting process takes place. The painting itself takes on its own form and begins to pull out something unexpected, something that might be more deeply connected to the landscape than consciously anticipated. This is where the real adventure begins.
Mary Rose Drescher: B.F.A. (Mount Allison University) M.Arch. (UBC)
Mary Rose is an artist living on Bowen Island with her husband and two children.