
Shari-Anne Vis - A visual exploration of what it means to be held by the landscape.


Save the Dates!

SURFACING: SHARI-ANNE VIS SOLO EXHIBITION opens at the Hearth Gallery March 24, 2022.

Artist Party: Saturday, March 26 from 6 - 8 pm

Community Engagement Element: Come by the gallery to make a piece of art that explores something you are very grateful for in the natural world. Perhaps it’s a forest or a favourite creek, rocks, or a sea otter, whatever you like. It could look like a forest or your piece might express your feelings about the forest.

Gallery Hours: Open daily 11 - 5 pm (Closed Tuesdays & Wednesdays)


Shari-Anne Vis - Bathing

Artist Statement

Around us the illusion of infinite space or of no space, ourselves and the obscure shore which it seems we could touch, the water between an absence.” 

– Margaret Atwood

Shari-Anne Vis

These paintings of washy acrylics and watercolor on canvas and irregularly shaped panels explore the tenderness and beauty of the natural world referencing stones, my children, forests, the river’s colors and depths.  Affected by the way my children create, my painting process has become a kind of playful experimentation, always moving towards the feeling of immersion, of what it can mean to let the landscape hold us. Learn more HERE


Hearth Arts & Cultural Spring Happenings!


Gift Shop at the Hearth Gallery New Arrivals for Spring!