Blind Sight: An Exhibition That Explores What it Means to See
Participating artists: Verna Vogel, Sarah Haxby, Alex Jurgensen, Jessica Gladys and Jocelyn Gladys (sisters).
ARTISTS IN OUR MIDST: Watch the interview with Blind Sight artist Sarah Haxby
Artist Statement:
Don't blink, or you will miss this exciting exhibit that explores what it means to see... and create art blind.
Blind Sight is a collaborative exhibit that begins a conversation about the spectrum of sight and blindness in visual arts, both as a creative modality and as a personal reality. Come to see what there is to see and not see at this exhibit that combines two visual artists and three blind artists all exploring different elements of sight and loss of sight.
Group Artist Statement
The exhibit Blind Sight is an inclusive, collaborative exploration of sight, vision and loss of vision in 2d and 3d and audio artworks.
The artwork very personally explores ideas of awareness of the spectrum of vision. What it means to have some to no sight, to choose not to use sight and to explore body mechanics; as well as an array of artworks that explore what it is to be losing sight and temporary blindness/loss of vision. Blindsight is a collaborative exhibit that also explores the visual form of communication of tactile-to-vision artworks, including Braille as a powerful form of communication.
Blind Sight is a collaborative exhibit that begins a conversation about the spectrum of sight and blindness in visual arts, both as a creative modality and as a personal reality. Come to see what there is to see, and not see at this exhibit that combines two visual artists and three blind artists all exploring different elements of sight and loss of sight.
Alex Jurgensen, Jessica Gladys and Jocelyn Gladys (sisters) are exploring artworks as people who identify as being blind by both medical and personal definition. They mostly work in sculpture, audio, public awareness and more recently, collaborating with local visual artist Sarah Haxby.
“The Monster in My Head” by Jocelyn Gladysz HERE
“A Place to Belong” by Jessica Gladysz HERE
Verna Vogel creates artwork compositions with eyes closed to explore body mechanics without visual input.
Sarah Haxby -creates india ink linework and artworks exploring sight/temporary loss of sight in a reductive digital process that is inspired by a medical condition that causes temporary partial and full loss of sight, as well as collaborating with Alex, Jessica and Jocelyn on 'Braille Photography.'
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